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Duties and Responsibilities of a Nonprofit Board Member

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Nonprofit directors have a range of duties and responsibilities to help guide and support the organization in fulfilling its mission. Here are some of the key duties of nonprofit directors:

Duty of care: Directors must act in good faith, with the care that an ordinary person would exercise in a similar position and under similar circumstances.

Duty of loyalty: Directors must act in the best interests of the organization and avoid conflicts of interest. Note that the appearance of conflicts of interest can be equally damaging to a nonprofit’s mission as a real conflict.

Duty of obedience: Directors must ensure that the organization operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and that it fulfills its charitable mission.

Strategic planning: Directors are responsible for helping to develop and implement the organization's strategic plan, which outlines the mission, vision, goals, and objectives of the organization.

Financial oversight: Directors are responsible for overseeing the organization's financial management, ensuring that the organization operates within its budget, and approving major financial decisions.

Fundraising: Directors should be involved in fundraising efforts, including identifying and cultivating donors, soliciting donations, and participating in fundraising events. It is best practice to have 100% board giving.

Governance: Directors are responsible for overseeing the governance of the organization, including developing policies and procedures, establishing committees, and ensuring that the organization operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Hiring and supervision of staff: Directors are responsible for hiring and supervising the executive director and through the executive director, other staff members. Directors are to ensure that the organization has the resources and expertise needed to achieve its mission.

Overall, nonprofit directors play a critical role in ensuring that the organization operates in compliance with legal and ethical standards and that it fulfills its charitable mission. Directors must act with integrity and diligence in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, and they must always act in the best interests of the organization and its stakeholders.

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